Prepare For Your Session

Now that you are ready to book a session to truly benefit your life on all levels, here are some tips to help you be fully prepared for your session…

*Remember, there is no need to be nervous before your session. There is a reason why you have found my practice and a reason why we are meeting for this session. These reasons always come from a very loving place to better your life in some shape or form. Attending a session will feel like your own private sanctuary where there is no judgement placed upon you. Every session is completely confidential and private between you and me. It always feels freeing to have a session and this freedom is something you deserve, along with peace, love, clarity and understanding of the truth. Having a session is one of the best things you can do for yourself! You and your loved ones will be thankful you did because we all want what’s best for you to live a full, happy, healthy life.

* Please Note: Due to Covid-19 Remote sessions via Zoom are available. A remote session is an online session done through a free face-to-face video call through Zoom.
This service is completely free and is compatible with the device of your choice; phone, computer, or iPad.
Remote Sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions.

* In person sessions are still available and welcomed for those who prefer to have their session in person.

*In-Person sessions please note: If you have severe pet allergies, please reframe from having an in-person session. You may prefer to book an online session via Zoom or bring your own allergy medicine. Although NO animals are present during the time of a session, I do work out of my home & I have a small dog and an outdoor cat. *I am not responsible for any allergy symptoms and advise you to do what is best for yourself ~ Thank you

~ Recommended Steps to take to get the most out of your session ~

  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water the day before. A typical healthy amount is about 8 cups of water a day.
  • Please refrain from drugs/alcohol prior to the session.
  • If you are a coffee drinker, one cup is fine but please refrain from having a second. You will want to feel calm and relaxed for your session.
  • Eat a healthy, substantial meal prior to the session so you are not distracted.
  • Bring a snack such as a granola bar. It is always a good idea to ground yourself after the session.
  • Clear your schedule. You should dedicate the day to yourself so there is no stress or time limit hanging over you. This is your day! You deserve time to recharge and focus on YOU!
  • Total session time typically takes 2-5 hours. 30 minutes to 1 hour during the “get-to-know-you” interview phase where we go over your questions and what you would like to achieve during your deep meditation and advice on how to relax for the session. 1-2 hours in the deep meditation phase which takes place in a relaxing and comfortable environment. And then time after to learn tips on how to continue your healing, what to pay attention to in the days to come and if the client desires to discuss the session to receive further insight.

*Note: You will bring your list of questions typed and printed or neatly written on the day of your session.

Remote sessions will be asked to email their question list prior to the start of their session.

These Questions not only act as a meditative practice for you to explore your own heart and mind on what you want to achieve during a session to improve your life, but also as a guide during the deep meditation to ensure we are able to reach the maximum healing we can achieve through this amazing and beneficial meditation process. 🙂

* Please keep in mind that the goal of your questions is to act as a guide to draw out internal insight. Only the questions you are ready to receive answers to will be answered.

Your questions can be anything that is on your heart and mind. This list is some of the popular questions I see in sessions. This list is indented to get your ideas flowing! Feel free to take some directly off the list if you are still unsure what to address during your session. The right flow always happens in the session so no need to worry about it!

Question Idea List:

  • What is my Life Purpose? Why am I here?
  • Why do I get so many headaches/stomach aches? How can I stop it?
  • I have psychical pain. How can I find relief from this pain?
  • How can I quit smoking? How can overcome my drinking problem?
  • Why did I get sick? What can I do to heal my body?
  • What should my diet consist of? What is the best diet for me?
  • I keep trying to loose weight but nothing works for me! How can I finally loose the weight and achieve the “body of my dreams”?
  • When will I meet my soulmate/ the one for me?
  • I am in this relationship and I don’t know if it’s healthy for me. Should I make it work or let it go?
  • Why do I have a hard time letting go of my past? How can I move on?
  • Why does it feel like I am all alone? Will anyone ever get me?
  • Why have I always felt so different from those around me?
  • I feel blocked from doing what I love (writing, drawing, etc.) How can I overcome this block?
  • What is blocking me/ holding me back from accomplishing my goals?
  • I feel stuck, how can I overcome this and feel joy again?
  • How can I overcome my depression and anxiety?
  • I lost my job/ I am retired, is there a new path for me? What do I do with my life now?
  • I have a problem and I need clarity. How can I solve it? What should I do/ what is the best decision for me to make?
  • How many past lives have I lived?
  • Who am I? Where did I come from? What is my past?
  • I had a strange dream I cannot shake, what does it mean? Is there a message behind it?
  • I had a very weird experience, what was it/ what does this mean?
  • Is there life beyond planet Earth?
  • Have I ever been abducted by ET’s?
  • Why have I always been so fascinated with aliens/ the unknown?
  • How can I have a better relationship with my family?
  • How can I overcome my anger issues?

*Please prioritize your list. Put a star or indicate in some way the most important questions you would like answered. Keep in mind that your higher consciousness (also referred to as inner wisdom, higher self, etc.) will only reveal the answers that will benefit you in your life.

* Nothing that could have the potential to hinder your growth or go against another person’s free-will can be revealed during a session. Only that which serves you for your greatest good will be revealed. Your inner consciousness only wants what’s best for you because it is you and always comes from a place of Love.

After The Session:

Clients are provided with a recording of their deep meditation session once their session is completed.

This recording of their own personal deep meditation session that will be easily accessible through email via WeTransfer.

WeTransfer is a way to easily download your recording through the email I will send you. There is also a free, easy to use WeTransfer App that can be downloaded to store the recording in your phone for an enjoyable playback experience.

It is extremely important for the client to listen to their recorded session as much as possible. Days, weeks, or even months after the session will be a vital part of the healing process.

Each time a client listen’s to their recorded session it will continue the healing process and will benefit them more and more in their everyday lives.

It usually takes time for us to fully absorb the information given to us and each time the tape is listened to there are more messages given that may have been missed the first time around.

After the session is completed, I will go over meditation/ self-hypnosis tips that I believe will help you specifically on your healing journey.

If you would like to discuss your experience once the session is complete, I will be happy to help you gain more insight.

If you have any questions/ concerns about your session or are ready to book a session please feel free to call, text, or email me.

Thank You! I look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your journey through life. 🙂