What is QHHT?

What is QHHT? Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a hypnosis method developed by Dolores Cannon over forty-five years ago.

This form of hypnosis is a deep meditative practice, allowing one’s conscious/ego mind to subside to allow the subconscious, the deeper part of the mind, the part that holds the truths and insight, to come forward.

This process is done naturally through brain waves that occur in the human mind daily.

We constantly have brain waves functioning at various frequencies. The main brain waves we enter on a day-to-day basis consist of the following:
~Beta: wide awake, alert.
~Alpha: light trance; e.g. relaxed watching t.v.
~Theta: deep trance; e.g. meditation, deeply relaxed, dreaming.
~Delta: deep in sleep.

There are two times during a human day when you enter into the Theta state naturally, right before you fall asleep and right when you wake up.

This part of the mind is the deepest, most connected part of your being.

It is when you begin to see images and the pictures start to cross your mind and when you are dreaming or awakening from a dream.

This state is the most powerful brain wave you go through during the day because it is when you are the most genuine

In the Beta state, when you are wide awake and have lucid thoughts running through your mind, we tend to consciously filter our thoughts and judge them. This is where the self-criticism, fear, worry, doubt, judgment, over-analyzing, etc. lives.

Most of the time this is what blocks us from following our intuition, our gut feelings, and stops us from making the proper decisions. Over thinking causes us to stress, worry, and doubt ourselves.

This is why the Theta state is so important to reach. It is where the conscious mind is pushed aside and you get down deep to what truly matters most, where your true intentions are revealed, and what is best for you comes out to the surface.

So how does it work? It’s simple. A person who is ready to find out information about themselves can write a list of questions or concerns they might want/need to know the answers to.

Then once the session is booked, the client is able to meet face-to-face with the hypnosis practitioner to get to know one another, so the client feels completely comfortable to begin the session. Once the client is ready, the session will begin.

This is done by laying down in a comfortable position in order to be fully relaxed so the mind can quiet down, allowing it to go into the Alpha state, the calm and relaxed state.

When the session has begun it will feel as if you are drifting off to sleep as you enter the Theta state. Most people are aware of everything that is going on and it feels close to a lucid dream, as if being aware that you are dreaming.

The more relaxed the client gets, the deeper they go into the Theta state. This is the place where the client wants to relax into because it allows the answers to come forward. Once in Theta, healing begins; physically, mentally, and emotionally.

This is what it is all about, reaching this relaxing state of mind in order to heal on any level that is needed, to find answers, and to get closure in whatever way is desired.

The entire session is recorded so the client can keep it and re-listen to it anytime they would like. After the session is done, typically 1 hour to 2 hours, the client will “awaken” feeling refreshed, as if they took a much needed nap. After the session is complete, there is time for discussion between the client and the practitioner. 

*Every session is strictly confidential for the client and will only be shared upon the client’s request.

Learn more about the benefits to having a QHHT session!

How To Prepare for Your Session:

Now that you are ready to book a session to truly benefit your life on all levels, here are some tips to be fully prepared for your session…

*Remember, there is no need to be nervous before your session. There is a reason why you found out about my practice and a reason why we are meeting for this session and these reasons always come from a very loving place. Attending a session will feel like your own private sanctuary where there is no judgement at all. It always feels freeing to have a session and it is something you deserve, along with peace, love, clarity and understanding of the truth. Having a session is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You and your loved ones will be thankful you did because we all want happiness and the best for you.

  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water the day before. A typical healthy amount is about 8 cups.
  • If you are a coffee drinker, one cup is fine but please refrain from having a second.
  • Eat a big, healthy breakfast so you do not get hungry during the session.
  • Bring a snack such as a granola bar. You will need something in your stomach for your drive home.
  • Clear your schedule. You should dedicate the day to yourself so there is no stress or time limit hanging over you.
  • Sessions typically take 4-5 hours. 1-2 hours during the “get-to-know-you” phase. 1-2 hours in the hypnotic session. And then time after if the client would like to discuss the session further.
*Note: You will bring your list of questions typed or neatly written on the day of your session.

Question Idea List:

  • What is my Life Purpose? Why am I here?
  • Why do I get so many headaches/stomach aches? How can I stop it?
  • I have psychical pain. How can I find relief from this pain?
  • How can I quit smoking? How can overcome my drinking problem?
  • Why did I get sick? What can I do to heal my body?
  • What should my diet consist of? What is the best diet for me?
  • I keep trying to loose weight but nothing works for me! How can I finally loose the weight and achieve the “body of my dreams”?
  • When will I meet my soulmate/ the one for me?
  • I am in this relationship and I don’t know if it’s healthy for me. Should I make it work or let it go?
  • Why do I have a hard time letting go of my past? How can I move on?
  • Why does it feel like I am all alone? Will anyone ever get me?
  • Why have I always felt so different from those around me?
  • I feel blocked from doing what I love (writing, drawing, etc.) How can I overcome this block?
  • What is blocking me/ holding me back from accomplishing my goals?
  • I feel stuck, how can I overcome this and feel joy again?
  • How can I overcome my depression and anxiety?
  • I lost my job/ I am retired, is there a new path for me? What do I do with my life now?
  • I have a problem and I need clarity. How can I solve it? What should I do/ what is the best decision for me to make?
  • How many past lives have I lived?
  • Who am I? Where did I come from? What is my past?
  • I had a strange dream I cannot shake, what does it mean? Is there a message behind it?
  • I had a very weird experience, what was it/ what does this mean?
  • Is there life beyond planet Earth?
  • Have I ever been abducted by ET’s?
  • Why have I always been so fascinated with aliens/ the unknown?
  • How can I have a better relationship with my family?
  • How can I overcome my anger issues?

*Please prioritize your list. Put a star or indicate in some way the most important questions you would like answered.

After The Session:

Clients will be provided with a recording of their session that day.

It is extremely important for the client to listen to their recorded session as much as possible. Days, weeks, or even months after the session will be a vital part of the healing process.

Each time a client listen’s to their recorded session it will continue the healing process and will benefit them more and more in their everyday lives.

Usually it takes time for us to fully absorb the information given to us and each time the tape is listened to there are more messages given that may have been missed the first time around.

*If you have any questions/ concerns about your session or are ready to book a session please feel free to call, text, or email me.
Contact information is under the drop down menu or to the left of your computer screen depending on the device you are currently using. Thank You! I look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your journey through life. 🙂

Discover who you truly are! Heal from what holds you back from living your absolute best life. Accomplish your dream goals, overcome your fears, and fulfill your true potential through hypnosis. Learn how Hypnosis is Meditation with intention and how you can use it to change your life for the better! Become the person you have always aspired to be!