Change Your Life In 3 Weeks With This Guided Self Hypnosis Meditation…


If you look at things a little different, it may change your entire life for the better and gain what you have always wanted to achieve…

I created this guided Hypnosis Meditation practice to help uplift and create a better, happier life for myself and others.

This meditation is a great start to every day! It helps release what no longer serves us, to release unwanted “baggage” so we can achieve a lighter, happier life.

It is important to express what we are grateful for in life because the feeling of Gratitude is the key to everything. By expressing gratitude about all that is good in life, we help to attract more good, positive energy our way! This helps to us to change our current life for the better, improve our mood, and rise our vibration to a higher level.

If we change our perspective to encourage the good in our life we can make a huge positive impact on our life. We can allow and attract good things to come our way by letting go of bad emotions that do not help us to grow and only weighs us down.

When we allow ourselves to take a moment to slow down and experience the feeling of gratitude, we take the time to live in that moment to really imagine how it feels to have an abundant life.

Experiencing gratitude gives us a moment to bliss out in the feeling of abundance. This helps us to accept a life that is truly full and complete, making it become our reality.

If we set the intention of what we want to see in our life and release what holds us down, we make room for good energy to enter our life and we improve it on all levels.

Meditation helps us to let go of stress and uplift our emotions so we can live a happier life!

When we express our gratitude we are living in the moment of joy. We are experiencing the joy of receiving what we want or need in our life. This helps us to rise our vibration to positively effect our lives and allow the things we need and want to come to us!

Listen every day for 3 weeks to noticeably change your life for the better! If you allow yourself to experience the good, it will come to you.

To breathe easy and trust that you are taken care of by the universe is allowing good energy to flow into your life.

A guided meditation makes it easy to get a small taste of what a hypnosis session feels like!

This is an easy way to ease into hypnosis and mediation in a relaxing, calming way.

It helps you to slow down in a simple, natural way so you can practice what it feels like to let yourself go into complete relaxation.

It feels great, like taking a short nap! Taking around a 20 minute nap is great for “pushing the restart button” and gaining an energy boost that will last all day.

The key is to just lay back and unwind, allowing yourself to relax and slow down so you can de-stress and refresh for a new day. It is an easy, fun way to release unwanted feelings to become lighter, making way for new positive outcomes in your life!

Feel free to do the meditation twice a day. It is a great way to start easing your body into learning how to let go and meditate.

When thoughts arise, simply observe them and let them “float by.” It is important not to analyze your thoughts and to simply let them drift away. Let them come and go.

An easy way to do this is through a short exercise called The Bubble Mediation, to simply put your thoughts in a “bubble” when they arise and then to let the bubble drift away without over analyzing it.

Observe and release.

It gets easier with practice, I promise 🙂

This Hypnosis Meditation practice is a great one for beginners

It is an easy mediation to learn how it feels to be hypnotized, to clear yourself of what holds you down and to raise your mood.

I recommend doing this hypnosis meditation in the morning so you can have a great mindset to take on anything the day brings you.

I like to do it before I get out of bed in the morning so I great off to a great, refreshed start to my day! This mediation can be enjoyed at anytime that is comfortable for you.

*It is common to have old, unresolved emotions rise to the surface after starting a meditation practice. This is perfectly natural and a good sign! It means the deepest part of you is purging what was never processed and you are now ready to observe it and let it go, allowing yourself to heal from the past once and for all so you can fully move into a brighter future!

Thank You and I hope you enjoy this mediation as much as I do!

Morning Glory – Guided Meditation.

Morning Glory – Guided Hypnosis Meditation

By Davina Antonucci


Take three deep breaths, hold each breath for three seconds and exhale slowly (sleep deep)

Now, bring your focus to your right foot. Relax your toes on your right foot letting every nerve in your right toes to become loose and limp. Now, move your focus to the left foot and relax your toes on your left foot the same way, allowing them to become loose and limp.

Now allow this loose, relaxed feeling to spread down into your left foot, all the way from the toes down to the heel of your foot. Allow this relaxed feeling to move to your right foot in the same way, from your toes alllll the way down to your heel.

You may be feeling your body begin to tingle with relaxing energy. This is a good feeling and we allow this feeling to continue to travel throughout the body. This relaxing, tingling feeling moves up your calf muscles, around your knees, and up your thigh muscles, allowing every nerve to let go and relax the way they do when you are sleeping.

You begin to feel the tingles of the relaxing energy in the tips of your fingers. You allow the feeling to spread to each finger and as your fingers relax, they feel loose and limp. Your fingers let go, allowing the calming sensation to spread over your hands and up to your forearms. This is a good, peaceful feeling as your body begins to slow down the way it does when you are sleeping.

Now, take another deep breath. You know that with every breath you take, and every sound you hear, helps you to go deeper, and deeper into drowsy relaxation. You are now breathing easy the way a sleeper breathes.

You feel the calming energy traveling allllll the way up your arms, around your shoulders and down your back. The feeling of relaxation flows through your torso and back around to your back muscles. Releasing any tensity that used to be in the back muscles. The tingles of relaxation feel better than any massage as it encapsulates every nerve and muscle from the inside out along your lower and upper back.

The relaxing feeling gently wraps all the way around your neck and up around your head. The tingling feeling of relaxation spreads across your jaw, allowing your jaws to separate and your tongue to completely relax. Your cheeks relax, your eyes relax, allowing them to completely let go. This wonderful feeling smoothes over your eyebrows and over your forehead, allowing the energy to move allllll the way around your scalp.

You feel the tingling energy as it calms every nerve, and every thought that enters your mind. You allow this calming energy to relax your mind and you feel the peace it brings you. Every part of your brain, every neuron, every atom, every fiber and nerve in your being relaxes, allowing you to connect and bring forward the deepest part of your essence. You allowing your conscious mind to gently drift away as the relaxing energy encapsulates every ounce of your entire body, allowing loving energy to move through you, connecting you to the highest part of your being.

You allow the deepest part of you to come forward as your conscious mind takes a break and steps aside. You always allow your deepest, most highest self to come through clearly every time you go into a hypnotic and meditative state. You let yourself feel the connection every day, and with every day that passes, the connection grows stronger and clearer, knowing that throughout the each day you are one and one with your higher self.

Now, take this time to appreciate allllll of the good that is in your life. Silently follow along with the words of Gratitude. Thank You, for I am so grateful that my body is healthy. Thank you. I am so grateful that my mind is healthy and that I am complete and fully functioning. Thank You, for I am so grateful for my unique beauty that brightens the lives of others. Thank You for my life. I always feel so content and happy when I look around at my life. Thank you, for I am so grateful for all of my loved ones. My life is beautiful and it is a blessing to be alive in this body with all of my experiences in my comprehensive existence.  

I am so Grateful for all who are patient with me as I learn and grow each and every day in this life. Thank you for the continuous support, protection, and guidance while I live my life here on Earth. Thank You for your never ending Love and understanding as I step closer and closer to enlightenment every single day. I know I am guided and I allow myself to hear and feel this guidance on every level every day.

As I lay down to go to sleep at night I take three deep breaths and simply think ‘gratitude’ and all that I am Grateful for goes up to Source energy and comes back down to me, reaching out and expanding my gratitude on to all levels of existence for all that I need and want. I allow this energy to flow into my life each and every day, allowing it to serve me for my greater good.

I know I am always taken care of and I allow myself to be taken care of every single day. I always accept and allow the good things to come to me and I spread my good energy out into the world around me. I continue to release what no longer serves me and accept the good that the universe gives to me.

I feel connected to Source energy every day and I see the beauty in the life around me. I know Source energy never waivers nor breaks; it is continuous. Thank You, for I am so grateful that I am always guided on my journey through life. Thank you, I am so grateful that my life is always abundant.

Thank you for I am so grateful that my mind is clear and fully functioning every single day. I am confident in myself and know that my mind works quick and is like an advanced computer system that holds onto my knowledge. Anytime I seek an answer, my conscious mind instantly connects with my subconscious to easily retrieve and deliver the answer.

I am so grateful that our minds can do this and I appreciate the amazing power of my mind. I am able to use it correctly to benefit me in my daily life. My mind feels good all of the time therefore I am able to control my emotions and only allow the healthy emotions to come through. I harbor only healthy emotions and reject all others.

I know that every person has their own reality based on their own experience and perspective. I know that if I were born into someone else’s body and experienced every single moment in the same order as they did, then I would act the same exact way as they do. Therefore, I accept all others and realize that I would do the same if I were that person with their same body, experience, and level of awareness.

I accept all others and know there is something to love about everyone and I forgive all those who do things I disapprove of. I am thankful for my level of awareness, my experience, and the person I am today. I know that I am constantly changing for the better. I am growing my consciousness and stepping closer to enlightenment every single day.

I feel good about myself and know that my beauty is unique and unlike anyone else’s. I am grateful for always feeling healthy in my mind and body and I allow this good health to reflect in my looks, giving me a healthy, happy glow every day. Because I feel so healthy and happy, I am able to easily allow myself to be full of pep and energy every day.

Every morning I wake up feeling completely refreshed and ready to start my day! It is easy for me to feel motivated and energized  because I am always well rested after my night’s sleep. After my hypnosis meditations, I always get extra surge of energy that lasts all day long. Because I have all this pep and energy, my days are extremely productive and I always have a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

Because I feel this good and have all this useful energy, it is easy for me to take on anything that happens throughout my day. I am so grateful that I have all this energy that lasts all day long. I appreciate every second of my day, knowing that I am always living the best way possible and reaching my full potential. Thank You, for I am so grateful for my life and the guidance I receive to fulfill my life’s purpose and live the best way that I possibly can.

Now, lay here a moment longer and enjoy the time you have connected to your subconscious. Always know that your conscious mind and your subconscious mind are one and one. With every day that goes by, the connection between you and your subconscious gets stronger and stronger.

Everytime you go through a hypnosis meditation practice you become aware of your subconscious and are able to understand and communicate clearly with your higher-self. You and your higher-self become one and one. Your thoughts blend all day long and the connection grows stronger and clearer with every day that passes.

Now, it is time to return to normal consciousness. You feel wonderfully rested and are ready to wake up now. I am counting to ten and when I reach ten, you will feel vitality and energy surging through your entire body and mind. You are wide awake and feel motivated to start your day on the count of ten.

1,2… You are beginning to breathe a little faster, your blood is beginning to circulate a little faster because you’re beginning to wake up now.

3,4… You are becoming aware of the physical body, very much aware of the physical body because you are waking up now. When you awaken, you feel full of pep and energy.

5,6… You are becoming aware of the sounds in the room and the sounds outside of the room. You are very much aware of your physical surroundings because you are more and more awake!

7,8… More and more awake! You are coming up very nicely now, knowing exactly where you are and oriented back to the correct time and place. You are feeling very awake now!

9,10… Wide awake! Wide awake now feeling wonderful all over! Open your eyes, take a deep breath, stretch, and feel rested and refreshed all over!  

The Bubble Meditation…

This meditation is an easy was to practice observing your thoughts and letting them go without over analyzing.

The Bubble Meditation exercise can be found in the book Self Hypnosis and Other Mind Expanding Techniques By Charles Tebbetts.

How to practice the Bubble Meditation…

Sit quietly and take three long, deep breaths. Inhale, holding each breath for 3 seconds and exhale slowly, thinking to yourself ‘sleep deep.’ Imagine that with each breath you take, you are telling your body it is time to slow down and go to “sleep.”

If it is hard for you to slow down your body this way you can try a different approach. Try relaxing each body part separately, starting at your toes and working your way up to your head, telling each part to be limp and loose.

For an example of this, listen the beginning of my hypnosis meditation practice, Morning Glory -Guided Meditation.

After taking three deeps breaths…

Let your mind go as ‘blank’ as possible.

Every time a thought rises (which will happen, don’t fight it) simply imagine the thought is enclosed in a ‘bubble’ and then let the bubble rise and drift away after about 6 or 7 seconds.

If it makes it easier for you, you can imagine yourself sitting at the bottom of a clear, peaceful lake, or in any body of water, and imagining that your thoughts are the air bubbles floating up to the surface and letting them disappear when they reach the surface.

Let the ‘thought bubbles’ to float up for 6 or 7 seconds and then let them go. Continue this method for any thought that rises.

If the same thought keeps reoccurring, that is okay and normal! Simply continue to regard it as a bubble let it drift away without analyzing it, just observing that it is there and letting it float away again.

The goal is to observe and release the thought without reading into it or analyzing it.

This may be tricky at first because our minds are normally not accustomed to doing this so keep trying. It will get easier and easier the more you do it.

This exercise helps us to separate ourselves from our thoughts. Making it clear that we are not our thoughts, we just simply think them but they do not define who we are.

This is important because we have been so conditioned to define ourselves through our ego.

We are raised to learn to say “my name is ______ and this is who I am”, when we are actually so much deeper then just the mere surface of our thoughts.

Our name is how we identify but it is not who we are.

This exercise helps us to learn how to separate ourselves from our egos and get closer to who we truly are. It helps us discover and connect with the deeper, more real part of ourselves instead of only remaining on the surface.

Continue to let your thoughts come and go for as long as you desire. I recommend doing this exercise for 10 minutes a day to start and then 15 to 20 mins daily after it becomes easier (normally after one to two weeks).

Every time you forget and remember again to enclose your thoughts in a bubble you are going deeper and deeper into a meditative hypnosis trance.

Your conscious mind will remain the entire so do not worry that you aren’t doing it correctly, you are. You may feel yourself start to drift back after practicing this for a few days. This is normal but not necessary to achieve the goal of the exercise.

The Bubble Meditation helps to change the way we view our thoughts and trains us to observe from a different perspective and helps us to learn how to let go.

Hope you enjoy this exercise! Feel free to comment with any questions 🙂