Anger Be Bitter

He gets like this every once in awhile, like he’s irritated from the inside out deep within his skin. The frustration seeps through his pores. It makes me cringe. The impulsive anger bursts out before you could ever know it was coming.

The alcohol enhances it, but he does it sober too. He tenses up every muscle, especially in his arms and neck. The shoulders hunch forward and at the same time he puffs his chest, squeezing the blood right to his face. Jackal and Mr. Hide. His true essence is nothing like that. In his right state of being he would not loose patience so quickly. The alcohol brings his fuse to the end, allowing the energy to burst like dynamite.

He’s not alone, you know. Everyone gets like this sometimes. It happens because of the pressure. It’s too heavy to handle all of the time. There has to be a release, but too often the release is done with anger. It’s funny how the more you get to know someone the more you get used to them hurting you and the more ‘normal’ it feels.

Cold Without A Partner

it’s cold without a partner. Who wouldn’t think so? This is Earth after all, the disconnected plain of existence. The isolated realm of the galaxy. Living here we tend to be persuaded to think so. The flesh of our bodies are immersed in the tainted exposure of society. Our skin seeps in the surrounding environment. Car exhaust, pesticides, unnatural chemicals, negative thoughts, bad attitudes, greed, jealousy; the list continues and proceeds on an unfair path to confusion and frustration. A path that is being encouraged to follow every step of the way. It is our job to look past this and find our own path, one with love and heart. One where the heart is the only thing followed, allowing love to embrace each and every Thing around you. After all, Love is the only thing we truly crave. There is nothing more real than love. In this world so full of hate, Love takes over every time. Even the ugliest being was a child at a time, searching for the warmth of its parents’ nurturing love. It is time we must embrace this. We can no longer hide our faces behind the thick drapery of a curtain, holding our breath to not speak our minds.