My Human Experience

Together We Will Move Mountains

Growing the collective consciousness one person at a time.

Change. Although many may see it as bad, we all still crave it. It’s something that cannot be stopped or halted. Change is something we need to see in our world every day. Without it there are no encouragements to grow, and a whole lot of boredom.

Even the Earth itself goes through changes. Constantly evolving, creating the movements that form the landscapes we get to see today. Beauty is brought on by the creation of change.

With that in mind, I would like to see people move into the next phase of our evolution; changing what we see today for the beauty of tomorrow. Replacing all of the hate and violence with love and understanding. But first, we must understand ourselves. We tend to look outwards for answers when really we hold the answers within us.

Most of us don’t take the time out of our busy days to get to know who we truly are.

This leaves us at the end feeling empty, and trying to fill the gap with the things that will never hold a permanent place within our hearts. We have tried to solve internal conflicts with empty external promises. 

For centuries humans have had an internal battle that we always seem to face outwards. The truth is, we need to look inwards for the solution. Discovering who we are helps us to discover how to treat one another. This will then lead us to the discovery of what we have always been seeking. WHO ARE WE? Why are we here!? And will there ever be world peace? Questions that have been seeking the true answers to since the days of human existence.

In order to get these answers we have been longing to know, we must have connection. We need to connect with ourselves first, getting to know who we are as an individual. This will then bring us together as a collective by learning how to treat others, the way we would want to be treated!

Spreading kindness and love to anyone who walks into our daily lives is simple when there is no lying, judging, stealing, jealously, or hate. These feeling all start somewhere, so it is time we take a closer look at our own thoughts and judgments and see if there needs to be a change. This is something we seldom do, to really look within and think about it.

The next time you are out or around others, pay attention to your responses and your actions. What do they display? Is it how you would like to be treated if the roles were reversed?

Most of behavior is habit, patterns we have formed since childhood and never became fully aware of the reactions they hold. Paying attention to this will allow a change to be seen in the world, by first changing ourselves. Peace on earth becomes possible when we find peace within ourselves.

So I invite you to join me on this journey of self-exploration and understanding about who we really are and the influence we have on each other. We are all connected and it is time we start helping each other grow, instead of pulling each other down.

Begin your journey into the world you want to see…

Let’s think about this for a minute. If you could choose the kind of world you want to live in, how would it be? And don’t limit your thoughts, because it is the imagination that creates reality.

Every thought we have has a reaction within ourselves and then that expands into the world around us. Energy is constantly flowing, creating what we see. Our true selves are made of energy. Our bodies are made of energy, just as everything else around us. 

Beautiful landscape

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