My Human Experience: Journey To Self Discovery

Just like many of us, I have always wanted to accomplish my goals and become the best version of myself. Actually stick to my New Year’s resolutions and accomplish my personal goals this year so I can be the best I possibly can without wasting another second.

I want to feel good about myself all of the time; to free myself from what holds me down. I want to take advantage of the time I have and do more of what I love!

For as long as I can remember, I have had most of the same “goals” written down on my list of things to accomplish.

I want to eat healthier and drink less. I want to gain more money and not have to stress so often. I want to get over my fears and anxieties and be more adventurous. I want look in the mirror and see my dream body, feeling comfortable in anything I wear. I want to wake up early and finally become that morning person!

I want to have a clear, healthy mindset so I can say good-bye to all my insecurities, to all the thoughts and emotions that don’t serve an uplifting purpose and say hello to my best life. I don’t want anything to hold me back any longer, including myself.

There always seems to be an excuse (usually many) that I can come up with that stops me in my place and holds me back from succeeding and living the best way that I can.

Right now I am going to make enough time to enjoy my life the way I want to live it. Feeling good about my life every moment because lets face it, when we are truly living, we feel blessed to be alive!

When we look around at our lives we should be so happy to see the faces of the ones we love looking back at us, thankful that we know them and get to be part of their lives. We all want wants best for our loved ones and by taking care of yourself first, you then can help others around you succeed in their lives as well.

Discovering who you are and achieving the best version of yourself spreads to your loved ones, encouraging them to better themselves as well! It gets contagious! Spreading like wild flowers in a field of sunshine. Life is something we all want to enjoy every second of, so lets do it and live the best damn life that we can!

The goals that always seem to be marked as my “future goals” need to become my present and current life, no longer future goals but a way of living!

Guide To Self Discovery…

I am on a journey to Self Discovery to become the best I can be by doing a series of self hypnosis and meditation practices to help get rid of built up baggage of bad feelings, anxieties, guilt, fear, anger, mental blocks, and anything that does not benefit me for my highest good.

I invite you to join me on the path of your own self discovery and the fulfillment of your true potential.

Meditation and Self Hypnosis are one of the best things a person can do for their overall health and enjoyment in life; to find happiness and peace within.

It also helps to reflect that positive energy back into the world around us; to truly start spreading an awareness within.

Thankfully, meditation is becoming more well-known as people continue to spread their knowledge of the benefits to forming a healthy habit of meditating daily. This link about mindfulness meditation gives great examples on the benefits meditation has on our society and on our overall health.

What most people do not realize is that hypnosis is meditation with intention.

Whether you hypnotize yourself or have a professional do it for you, hypnosis is a great exercise to achieve your goals and find your highest self; your true essence, the core of your being.

Although it may by a surprise to hear, hypnosis feels the same as meditation…

Your conscious mind is still present during a hypnosis session. At times it feels as if you are awake during a dream. Consciously present but completely relaxed and at peace with yourself and the world around you.

Some people are mistaken when they think you are unconscious during hypnosis. That is why many people will think hypnosis isn’t working on them during a session and that they are “still here.”

This feeling is perfectly normal, most of the time our conscious minds cannot tell how deep of a trance we are in. We may think we are fully present until we re-listen to the recorded session and realize just how deeply relaxed we truly were.

Your conscious mind is never turned ‘off’ it’s just simply quieted so the deeper part of you, the subconscious, can come forward and be exposed to good suggestion or accessed for the retrieval of deeply buried memories.

The amount of storage you can access when your subconscious mind is present and up front is astonishing!

Many crimes have been solved by doing hypnotherapy on a eye-witness of a crime. Without being in hypnosis the eye-whiteness can only remember bits and pieces of what happened and usually get even simple facts wrong by remembering the color of a car incorrectly or if the man suspected had facial hair or not.

When the same eye-witness is asked to recall the event while put in a hypnosis trance, they can remember every single detail with perfect clarity as if they were right there standing back at the present time the crime took place.

Our brain can be compared to an extremely complex computer. We just have to learn how to use it properly.

Just like meditation, hypnosis gets easier with practice. I am a living example of this, the more days that go by practicing hypnosis, the easier it is for me to fall into a hypnotic trance.

Hypnosis can be viewed as a deep meditation because that’s exactly what it is. It gently pushes your conscious mind (where all the worry/doubt lives) aside, exposing your deepest self in a quick, enjoyable way.

Healing Hypnosis is the key to finally overcoming your fears and achieving your greatest goals. Hypnotherapy has been proven to have a 93% success rating after a few sessions. This is astounding compared to the average therapy session that normally take years until a break through is reached.

If you decide it’s time to better your life and give it your all, I guarantee you will notice a big difference after even just one hypnosis session, either done through self-hypnosis or professionally, you will feel noticeably lighter on all levels.

As I travel on my journey to self discovery, I will be using various self hypnosis and meditative practices that can be found in the book, Self Hypnosis and other mind expanding techniques by Charles Tebbetts. This book was given to me by my father when I first got into hypnotherapy.

It has been one of the most helpful books for me to truly understand how it all works. There is an abundance of great knowledge given in the book as a short, easy read that helps you learn different techniques to find what works best for you.

There are many helpful self hypnosis books and websites out there that has tons of interesting information if you look for it, but this book is one of my favorites!

Subscribe by email to be notified when I post new free hypnosis meditations that will help you on your journey as it has helped me.

Ease your way into hypnosis and meditation by doing this Guided Morning Glory Meditation at least once daily for three weeks to noticeably change your life and feel lighter on all levels.

I recommend combining the morning glory meditation with The Bubble Meditation to fully understand how meditation should feel.

In order completely improve my life on all levels, I will not only preform self hypnosis twice daily, but also eat healthy (what feels good for my body) by limiting my intake of dairy and meat, allowing only small amounts of white meat and fish into my diet and eliminating red meat and pork all together.

My diet will consist of mainly fruits (in the morning) and LOTS of vegetables. It is important to get enough complete proteins in your diet, especially when eating vegetarian. A great way to get complete proteins in your diet would be eating black beans with rice or toast with peanut butter.

This way of eating is what makes me feel happy and healthy so you should always base your diet off of what makes you happy and healthy!

Remember, it does not have to be the same as me, just whatever makes you feel good! 🙂

I also like to have yummy nutritious juice drink with simple ingredients to get an extra boost of energy. The trick is to add orange juice to any nutritional juice drink to make it taste great!

I will also be sure to drink plenty of water. My body craves water more than most, but according to health experts, an average person should drink eight ounces of water daily. That’s 8 cups of water every day.

A fun, easy way to meet your personal mark for water intake is by making a pitcher full of flavored water and leaving it in the fridge for your convenience. I like to do lemon slices, orange slices, and/ or cucumber slices.

Green tea and oolong tea are both packed full of antioxidants and lowers cholesterol along with many other benefits. Also it just makes me happy to drink tea so I will make sure to do that for myself as well.

The goal here is to just make sure you treat your body right, and you are the only judge of your own body. Whatever makes your body feel right and fully functioning will make you happy and feel good on all levels!

Do what feels right for you and don’t worry about what diets are “supposed to be”, they never work anyway 😉

When you are following the path of what makes you feel good, everything else around you seems to just fall into place.

I am doing this “Life Challenge” so I can live my life to my fullest potential and hopefully encourage others to do the same!

Too often we are pushed down when we dare to do something “outside of lines” and we tend to worry about what we “need” to do and we end up not taking a chance at all and living life in misery.

Having faith in an outcome and believing in what YOU feel is right in your heart is the best thing you can do for your life!

When an idea brings JOY to your heart, then you KNOW that is the right choice. If you can’t see past the blurry lines of the unknown, don’t stress, just breathe and let go. When you focused on what you don’t want to happen, it tends to happen.

So if you are unsure, just let go of control.

Think about what you want to see and only that. Don’t worry about how or when, just give it time, trust, and faith and you will see things fall into place. The universe has a way of working things out and planning the “how” and “when” for us. No matter what it is.

What you give out, comes back to you. Where focus goes, energy flows.

Don’t worry about how people judge you because I can promise you, we are own worst critics. And that is a fact!

Have faith and trust in yourself and in the universe that all things are possible and what is meant to be is already done.

Trust yourself that when you just go with the flow of your heart and do what feels good and right to you, you can rest assure that you are on the right path.

“Leap and the net will appear.”

– John Burroughs

Journey To Self Discovery Begins With Letting Go…

I chose to focus on anger and hostility. Those of you who know me know that I wouldn’t be considered to be an angry person and like most of us, I would never label myself as one either.

But just like every human, I have experienced hurt and disappointment throughout my life. We get let down countless times and we end up internalizing just about all of it.

Even though most of us wouldn’t consider ourselves to be an angry person, that doesn’t mean we don’t hold onto anger and hostile emotions within us.

When something in our life causes us pain and disappointment we usually tend to cover it up by either ignoring that it hurts as much as it does, or by complaining and getting irritated every time the subject matter arises.

Instead of releasing it we push it down, causing it to festering within us.

Typically we wouldn’t have any idea we’ve done this. We just keep going with our lives and at some point, usually with stress as the trigger, it explodes!

We take it out on our spouse or best friend, mother or father, sometimes even on whoever just happens to be there. Most of the time we freak on something that is so simple and is not even relevant to what we are truly upset by.

We justify our furry in so many ways, not even realizing we are angry and upset at the painful emotions we bottled up for such a long period of time. This happens again and again during our lives and we don’t even take a moment to confront our emotions to figure them out. Always thinking it is because of an outward reason when really it is coming from within us.

We consciously decide we are validly upset for whatever reason strikes us in the moment of emotional exasperation. We don’t even realize it’s actually because of deep seeded pain that spins into anger after suppressing it for long enough.

Holding anger and hostility inside you, even if you are not aware of it, can cause physical illnesses. Our deeper part of us, the subconscious, tries it’s absolute best to grab our attention so we can become aware of the pain we hold onto; recognize it, release it, and then finally heal from it.

Our inner essence does everything it can to make our conscious, surface leveled mind aware of all the pain we harbor. Sadly no matter how hard it tries, we rarely slow down enough to realize when we need stop and listen in order to reflect and hear our guidance.

Like most people, I wouldn’t consider myself to be angry or hold onto any anger inside me, but I wanted to do an experiment. How much would the anger and hostility affirmation effect me if I am not an angry person?

What I Discovered…

For about a week and a half after starting my controlling anger and hostility affirmation, I was being bombarded by unwelcome thoughts of people of my past. And let me tell you, I did NOT want to be thinking about them.

Every time these people would unwillingly pop into my thoughts I would push them away and become very annoyed that they were entering my mind. It was happening all day long and I couldn’t stop it. It got to the point where they even started appearing in my dreams, and these were not pleasant dreams!

You would think because I was doing the anger and hostility affirmations I would put two and two together, but it wasn’t until I went for a lone car ride when I realized the connection.

These irritating thoughts of people who have disappointed and crushed me over the years were still causing me pain. I was finally at a point that I could no longer tolerate.

I said out loud into my empty car, “WHY! STOP IT! Why can’t I stop these thoughts!? Why am I having these dreams!!?” Then I instantly knew what to do. I needed to take a moment to figure it out. I said to myself, “Okay, lets figure this out. WHY?

It took being alone in a car with nothing to do except face my thoughts for me to have that AH-HA! moment. I felt so silly for not putting it together in the first place but that goes to show how much we push aside our thoughts and feelings because we don’t want to face them.

Being so emotionally attached to something can sometimes alter our vision. We don’t see what’s right in front of us until we are forced to look at the pieces as a whole to see the big picture.

I finally realized and accepted that I must have been angry with these people and situations in my life. The anger/hostility affirmation was purging these thoughts to the surface. My subconscious wanted me to confront them so I could release and forgive, allowing me to finally let go and move forward.

After recognizing that a part of me was still angry at those people, I remember that every person goes through their own experiences that shapes them to who they are today.

There is really no point in holding angry towards somebody because if you were born as that person and went through each moment and experience as that person did, then you would act EXACTLY the same as that person does.

We have all heard the saying, “walk in somebody else’s shoes,” but have you ever thought about it that deeply?

If you were born as that person and went through every single moment, every single experience JUST as they did, you would do, think, and act exactly as they do.

Once you let that sink in, you see the only person anger is hurting is you.

I decided to look at each person who has done me wrong individually in my minds-eye and say, “I still love you for your good qualities, and I forgive you for your bad.” I went down the line and told each person this, as if I were with them at that moment, “I love your good, and I forgive your bad.”

Then I was simply able to let it go, allowing that to be the end of harboring that negativity.

I released them and it felt amazing! I could literally feel the weight of those kept up emotions leave, realizing the weight I had been carrying. I felt lighter and those who know me noticed it too.

~.*~.*~*.~Part Two~.*~*.~*.~

In addition to working on releasing any built up feelings, I wanted to work on becoming a “morning person.”

I have always had a super hard time waking up early in the morning. I even remember from grade school being grumpy, hating the fact that my mother was forcing me to go to school in the morning.

It’s WAY to early for a human being to be awake, I would think. So you could say I have always dreaded the sound of the alarm clock in the morning.

As I got older my dislike of waking up early in the morning turned into a habit. It was hard for me to be fully awake before 10am. I needed my sleep and I tried any to justify it in my own head any way I could.

Most of the time I would notice how cozy I was in bed and if the dogs were snuggling too? Forget about it, I was falling back to sleep in no time! Every time I would try to be a “morning person” I would succeed for a very short time and then the habit right was back to its regular routine.

So naturally I thought it would be awesome if I could finally kick this habit for good! I decided to make my own suggestion about being a morning person but I was not sure how it would work out.

I had never wrote a suggestion or an affirmation before so I turned to my book, Self Hypnosis and other mind expanding techniques by Charles Tebbetts, for help.

I successfully wrote a suggestion which I call “Morning Person.” In my Morning Person suggestion I encourage the idea that every night when I go to bed, I take three deep breaths that always relax me completely, and I get a great night’s sleep, knowing that because I have such a restful sleep, I will wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, excited and ready for my day first thing in the early morning!

While recording my self hypnosis tapes I did not take into account that when I said first thing in the morning, I was telling my subconscious that I meant first thing! I woke up the next morning with my eyes wide awake, ready to go at six am! I wanted to wake up early, but not that early!

I should have gotten up, but I was cuddly with my man and the dogs so I decided to go back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up at six am! Once again I did the same thing and then repeated my bad habit.

What I realized was that I can wake up feeling fine but can quickly decide to ignore my energy and snuggle back in, allowing the temptation of the warm covers get me.

I went about my day and did my self hypnosis but this time I did something different.

I pictured “first thing in the early morning” as seven am and then mentally pictured the clock at 7:00am and an amazing thing happened. The next morning I woke up at seven am with no alarm clocks set!

Now all I am working on is continuing to get up out of bed when I first wake up, not giving myself the chance to lay there any longer then a few seconds until this habit is set in stone. I aim to continue this healthy habit and choose to feel motivated and inspired as soon as I get out of bed!